There are many things that excite me in an instant, but few of them as much as a well presented, aromatic, big cup of coffee!!
The first cup of the day will always be the most special - since it is usually made by and accompanied by my husband! There is no better way for me to wake up during weekends/holidays with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, held by my hubby with a very charming smile that says: “I know I’ve scored big on brownie points with this” And he would be right!!
Seriously though, I am very blessed to have a ‘fellow-coffee-lover’ as a husband who makes the time whenever possible to share in this relationship ritual.
During the week this ritual takes up a different form - I like to think of it as the ‘breakfast-boogie’ where we dance around one another in the kitchen... me trying to get the kids fed and ready for school and him trying to get the coffee pot going and the cups filled.
But once the kids left for school we have a few minutes to sit outside, catch our breath and start our day filled with hope & joy...
Still my favourite mugs - a gift from Ansa!
Then there is the ‘going out for coffee’ and everything that comes with it -
The unmistakable “Mmhhhmm” that comes with every first sip of a good cuppacino, easy conversation shared between me and whoever is joining me and the ‘heart-smile’ I get when I am doing something that I love.
Going out for coffee to me is more than just sitting down for a few minutes and enjoying a cup of warm fluid together (or even alone...)
Going out for coffee to me is a sensory accumulation...
No coffee can be good in the mouth that does not first send a sweet offering of odour to the nostrils. ~Henry Ward Beecher
Drinking coffee is not just an action it’s an experience...
A cup of coffee shared with a friend is happiness tasted and time well spent.
So often I take a photo of my cup with my cell phone.... I lost count on how many of these moments have been captured and sent to friends and family (especially those far away) in the hope that they too will feel the contentment for a few stolen minutes in which I can just sip and mmmhhmm... One of the many “joys in my life” (as my niece calls it).
I hope they (the recipients of my many coffee-pic’s) realise that I send these photo’s wishing them the same joy but also wanting them to know that I am wishing we could share in that very specific moment...
So while I'm on my way to pour in my last cup of coffee for the day I will leave you with a few good quotes on coffee:
~Author Unknown
I don't have a problem with caffeine. I have a problem without caffeine!
~Author Unknown
Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee.
Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee.
~Stephanie Piro
All the coffee in Columbia won't make me a morning person.
~Author Unknown
MmmHHmmmm .......
I like your "take" on coffee ... C x