Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My pic(s) of the week...

  I've taken these two photos a while ago but they're still some of my favourites ... luv the warm feeling I get when I look at them

So the night of my previous post I decided that my trainers (tekkies) were friends and not foes ... even though my body felt like it has been in war and my chest sounded like that of an old smoker (I don’t smoke) – I still felt good, because I actually took the first step in getting fit again!  I was psyched for the next morning’s run but then I woke up with a horrible cold  (should have seen the signs of the body ache and the coughing ... but hey, I thought it was the sudden rush of oxygen into my blood after the 2.5km jog)  So needless to say that I have not been running again - yet ...
Feeling much better so maybe tomorrow morning!!

In one of my other previous, previous posts I mentioned that I started a new venture ...very exciting!
For the past nine years I have been a stay at home mom (which to some sounds like a life of leisure and to those who knows – a life constantly filled with many things to do ... not necessarily for yourself!) We (my husband and I) made that decision when Ralden was born and there was not a day of regret... (well, maybe a moment here and there when I thought of the working moms with their travelling, salaries etc, )
I had the privilege of being there for all the firsts in both my kid’s lives for the past 9 years – they are settled happy kids and I am ready for a change! 
 I started two weeks ago managing a lodge. The hours are very flexible, which means that I am still able to attend a cricket match or to help Uzaan with her homework - but now I have another outlet to be creative.  It is for a 6 months trail period to see if that is what I really would like to do but who knows what might happen!  After 2 weeks I am still very excited and actually feel as if I am making a difference at the lodge.  I enjoy the challenge and for now all is working out the way I envisioned!  Have to admit - my life is a bit hectic at the moment, but I am getting into a routine now with work, school, kids, hubby, me-time, etc.   I've always admired working mom's and now have even more respect at how you get to juggle everything! 

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